Monday, September 22, 2008

Everyone asks me.

How are you?

I know that some of my friends mean it, while others don't. I just don't know what to say anymore...


I have gone through MANY life changing events. The difference between them, and this, is that eventually those pains go away. The losses get easier over time. They betrayal fades...

This will be with me FOREVER. I have come to the realization that I will be in some sort of pain, every single day, for the rest of my life. Being in chronic pain is it's own personal hell. I try to keep a positive outlook. I like to think, so many other people have it much worse. But there is a large percentage of the masses that I have it worse then. Do I feel sorry for myself? NO. I feel sorry for my family. I am sad for my close friends. They have to watch it, and there is nothing anyone can do for me.

So I have decided not to feel sorry for myself, and the answer to that question is going to be...

I feel blessed.

I have a family that loves me, THREE healthy boys, a lovely husband, and a wide circle of friends. Truth be told - things could be much worse. So my answer will be - blessed. If you are a close friend, or one of my doctors - I will give you a scale from 0-10. Ten being the worst.

Today I am a 6.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So much going on, yet, so little...

Somehow I hurt my right shoulder. It hurts with whatever I do. I see the doctor in the morning, and then the pain guy at noon. Busy day with really nothing much coming from it. I guess that sounds really negative, but that has just been my experience. I did get to take a class at my Local Scrapbook Store. Pink Pineapple Scrapbooks. It was doodling with Stephanie Ackerman. She is just the cutest! It really has kept me busy, since I can do it in bed. I also got to go down to La Jolla on Wednesday and see my best friend. That was nice. Just tired. Will let ya know what is going on after my appointments tomorrow.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Apple, the computer, not the fruit.

There is so much hype about the new iPods that just came out. They are really cool, coming in all those different colors (the nanos.) The new iPod touch,( that is much thinner, and cheaper. The problem that I have is the new slogan.

iPod touch. The funnest iPod ever.

Seriously? I mean, come on. I am trying to raise intelligent kids! You know how dumb someone sounds when they say funnest? I just don't like it. I don't want to sound like a prude, maybe I am just old.

On another note - the free iPod touch offer is almost over. If you are a college student (or just say you are) You can get a discount on an apple computer. You also need to add an iPod to your order. You will then receive a rebate for the amount you spent on that iPod. Up to $300. The deal ends on September 15th, 2008.

Have more patience then money? Wait till June next year, they tend to do this every year.